For a complete list of publications in Dutch for a broad audience (op-eds etc): see this document


Roland Pierik & Marcel Verweij. Inducing Immunity? Justifying Immunization Policies in Times of Vaccine Hesitancy. MITpress, 2024. (open Acces)


Early online:

Jecker NS, Verweij M, Ravitsky V, et al. Academic freedom under siege. Journal of Medical Ethics Published Online First: September 2023. doi:10.1136/jme-2023-109498   PDF

Verweij, M., Ossebaard, H. Sustainability as an Intrinsic Moral Concern for Solidaristic Health Care. Health Care Anal (2023).



Sammie Jansen, Bart Kamphorst, Bob Mulder, Irene van Kamp, Sandra Boekhold, Marcel Verweij. Ethics of early detection of disease risk factors: A scoping review. BMC Med Ethics 25, 25 (2024).

Denise de Ridder, Joram Feitsma, Mariette van den Hoven, Floor Kroese, Thomas Schillemans, Marcel Verweij, Tina Venema, Anastasia Vugts, Emely de Vet. Simple nudges that are not so easy. Behavioural Public Policy. 2024;8(1):154-172.

Bart Kamphorst, Marcel Verweij, Josephine van Zeben. On the voluntariness of public health apps: a European case study on digital contact tracing. Law, Innovation and Technology. 2023;15(1):107-123

Marcel Verweij, Cristina Richie. Het morele ideaal van planetaire gezondheid. Ethische implicaties voor de zorg. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd2023; 167 (May 31); D7443.

Marcel Verweij. The (un)fairness of vaccination free riding. Public Health Ethics 2022;15(3): 233–239.

Roland Pierik, Marcel Verweij. Over de beperkte rol van het recht op integriteit van het lichaam in de regulering van kindervaccinaties. NTKR Tijdschrift voor Recht en Religie. 2022;1:159-176.

Marcel Verweij, Roland Pierik. Is een vaccinatieplicht te rechtvaardigen in een liberale democratie? Liberale Reflecties 2022;68(1): 50-58.

Beatrijs Haverkamp, Marcel Verweij. Morele dilemma's rond gelijke kansen op gezondheid. TSG - Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg. 2022;100:156–162.

Roland Pierik, Marcel Verweij, Thijs van de Laar, Hans Zaaijer. Facing difficult but unavoidable choices: Donor blood safety and the deferral of men who have sex with men. Bioethics 2022;36(8): 840-848

Rachelle de Vries, Mariëtte van den Hoven, Denise de Ridder, Marcel Verweij, Emely de Vet, Healthcare workers’ acceptability of influenza vaccination nudges: Evaluation of a real-world intervention. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022;29:101910.

HW Saatkamp, Y Aartsma, H Hogeveen, M Augustijn, A Baumann, LW Beukeboom, A Borghuis, B Bovenkerk, M van der Bruggen, MH Companjen, A Dörper, J Falcão Salles, HJ van der Fels-Klerx, ARH Fischer, O Haenen, A Hosseini, J van den Hurk, P Jacobs, WL Jansen, M de Jong, Y Kortsmit, M Leipertz, H Lommers, JJA van Loon, MS van Loon, S Maistrou, K Niermans, E Schmitt, PN Shah, A Spaans, T Veldkamp, MF Verweij, M Vogel, A Voulgari Kokota, B Wertheim, M Dicke. Development of sustainable business models for insect-fed poultry production: opportunities and risks. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 2022;8(12): 1469 - 1483.

Rump, B., Timen, A., Hulscher, M. Verweij, M. Infection control measures in times of antimicrobial resistance: a matter of solidarity. Monash Bioeth. Rev. 38, 47–55 (2020).

Marcel Verweij, Angus Dawson. Public health ethics in a pandemic. Public Health Ethics 2020;13 (2):125–126.

Marcel Verweij, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Maartje Schermer, Dick Willems, Martine de Vries. Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands. Public Health Ethics 2020;13 (2):157–165,

Morten Byskow, Babette Rump, Marcel Verweij. Conceptualizing the impact of MDRO control measures directed at carriers: a capability approach. In: E. Jamrozik, M. Selgelid (eds.) Ethics and Drug Resistance: Collective Responsibility for Global Health. New York, Springer, 2020, pp 203-224.

Angus Dawson, Marcel Verweij. Law, Ethics, and Politics in the Face of a Global Pandemic.  Public Health Ethics, 2020; 13 (1): 1–3.

Babette Rump, Marcel Verweij, Aura Timen, Marlies Hulscher. Ethisch verantwoorde zorg in tijden van corona – een handreiking voor zorginstellingen. Tijdschrift Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek 2020;30(2):60-63.

Tempels, T., Blok, V., Verweij, M.F. Injustice in Food-Related Public Health Problems: a Matter of Corporate Responsibility. Business Ethics Quarterly 2020;30(3):388-413.

Linda N. Douma, Ellen Uiters, Marcel F. Verweij, Danielle R. M. Timmermans. Autonomous and informed decision-making: The case of colorectal cancer screening. PlosOne May 29, 2020

Roland Pierik en Marcel Verweij  “De rol van meer verplichtende maatregelen in het Nederlandse vaccinatiebeleid. Een kritiek op het Nivel Rapport.” Nederlands Juristenblad 2020 (8): 544-550.

Marcel Verweij, Babette Rump, Aura Timen, Marlies Hulscher. Ethisch verantwoorde zorg voor BMO-dragers. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020;164:D4286

Brand, T., Blok, V., & Verweij, M. (2020). Stakeholder Dialogue as Agonistic Deliberation: Exploring the Role of Conflict and Self-Interest in Business-NGO Interaction. Business Ethics Quarterly, 30(1), 3-30.

Tempels, T., Blok, V. & Verweij, M. Food Vendor Beware! On Ordinary Morality and Unhealthy Marketing. Food Ethics 5, 3 (2020).

Vugts A, van den Hoven MA, de Vet E, Verweij M. How autonomy is understood in discussions on the ethics of nudging. Behavioural Public Policy 2020;4(1):108-123.

Marcel Verweij. Solidariteit als brug tussen verstand en emotie. In: Help! Ik ben besmet! Cahier Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij 2020;39(1):99-106.


Koen Kramer,  Marcel F. Verweij,  Hans L. Zaaijer. When are infection risks of blood transfusion tolerable? Towards understanding the ethical views of stakeholders in the blood supply. VoxSanguinis 2019;114(7):658-665.

Marcel Verweij, Angus Dawson. Sharing Responsibility: Responsibility for Health Is Not a Zero-Sum Game. Public Health Ethics 2019;12(2): 99–102.

Pierik, R., Verweij, M. Vaccinatie op de kinderopvang. Een wetsvoorstel dat tekort schiet, en een alternatief. Nederlands Juristenblad 2019;94(21):1523-1590.

van Herten J, Bovenkerk B. Verweij M. One Health as a moral dilemma: Towards a socially responsible zoonotic disease control. Zoonoses and Public Health 2019;66(1):26-34.

Rump B, Timen A, Verweij MF, Hulscher M,. "Experiences of carriers of multidrug-resistant organisms: a systematic review " CMI Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2019;25(3):274-279.

Beatrijs Haverkamp, Marcel Verweij, Karien Stronks. Why Socio-Economic Inequalities in Health Threaten Relational Justice. A Proposal for an Instrumental Evaluation. Public Health Ethics 2018;11(3):311-324.

Rump B, Timen A, Hulscher M, Verweij MF. "Responsible care and control in times of antimicrobial resistance: ethical issues in relation to carriership" Emerging Infectious Diseases2018;24(19):1609-16.

Haverkamp, B. Bovenkerk, B. Verweij, M.F. A Practice-oriented Review of Health Concepts. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy  2018;43(4):381–401

Verweij, MF and Kramer K. Donor blood screening and moral responsibility: How safe should blood be? Journal of Medical Ethics. 2018; 44 (3), 187-191. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2015-103338

Stronks K, Hoeymans N, Haverkamp B, den Hertog FRJ, van Bon-Martens MJH, Galenkamp H, Verweij M, van Oers HAM.  “Do conceptualisations of health differ across social strata? A concept mapping study among lay people” BMJ open2018;8 (4), e020210.

Verweij, Marcel, Dawson, Angus. “Public Health Ethics – 10 years on”. Public Health Ethics 2018;11(1):1-7.

Haverkamp, B., Verweij, M. & Stronks, K. ‘Gezondheid’: voor iedere context een passend begrip? Tijdschr Gezondheidswetenschappen2017;95(6): 258–263

Penders B, Wolters A, Feskens EF, Brouns F, Huber M, Maeckelberghe ELM, Navis G, Ockhuizen T, Plat J, Sikkema J, Stasse-Wolthuis M, van 't Veer P, Verweij M, de Vries J. Capable and credible? Challenging nutrition science. European Journal of Nutrition.2017; 56(6): 2009-12. doi: 10.1007/s00394-017-1507-y

Rump B, Cornelis C, Woonink F, van Steenbergen J, Verweij M, Hulscher M. Using typing techniques in a specific outbreak: the ethical reflection of public health professionals. Epidemiology & Infection. 2017;145(7):1431-1436.DOI:

Bernice Bovenkerk, Joost van Herten, Marcel Verweij. The Animal Factor in Human Health. The American Journal of Bioethics2017;17(9):28-30.doi: 10.1080/15265161.2017.1353171.

Koen Kramer, Marcel Verweij, Hans Zaaijer. Are there ethical differences between stopping and not starting blood safety measures? Vox Sanguinis2017;112(5):417-424. DOI: 10.1111/vox.12525 

Tjidde Tempels, Marcel Verweij, Vincent Blok. Understanding Political Responsibility in Corporate Citizenship: Towards a shared responsibility for the common good. Journal of Global Ethics. 2017;13(1):90-108. DOI: 10.1080/17449626.2017.1320577

Angus Dawson and Marcel Verweij. No Smoke Without Fire: Harm Reduction, E-Cigarettes and the Smoking Endgame. Public Health Ethics2017;10(1):1-4. Doi: 10.1093/phe/phx003

Kramer K, Zaaijer HL, Verweij MF. Interpreting and Applying the Precautionary Principle: A Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "The Precautionary Principle and the Tolerability of Blood Transfusion Risks". American Journal of Bioethics. 2017; 17(4):W4-W6. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2017.1293754

Verweij, M.F. Actief antirookbeleid is morele taak van overheid. Verantwoordelijkheid voor minder roken ligt bij individu én maatschappij. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2017;161:D1351.

Kramer K, Zaaijer H, Verweij MF. The precautionary principle and the tolerability of blood transfusion risks. American Journal of Bioethics. 2017;17(3):32-43. doi:10.1080/15265161.2016.1276643

Tjidde Tempels, Marcel Verweij, And Vincent Blok.  Big Food’s Ambivalence: Seeking Profit And Responsibility For Health. American Journal Of Public Health2017; 107 (3): 402-406.  Doi:10.2105/Ajph.2016.303601

Verweij, Mf, Lambach P. Ortiz Jr, Reis A, Maternal Immunization: Ethical Issues. The Lancet Infectious Diseases2016;16 (12): E310–E314. Doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30349-8

Bovenkerk B, Verweij M. Between Individualistic Animal Ethics And Holistic Environmental Ethics. Blurring The Boundaries. In: Bovenkerk B, Keulartz J. (Eds). Animal Ethics In The Age Of Humans, Springer, 2016: 369-385

Di Ruggiero, E., Potvin, L., Allegrante, J.P., Dawson, A., Verweij, M., De Leeuw, E., Dunn, J.R., Franco, E., Frohlich, K.L., Geneau, R., Jackson, S., Kaufman, J.S., Morabia, A., Mcleroy, K.R., Ridde, V. Ottawa Statement From The Sparking Solutions Summit On Population Health Intervention Research. Canadian Journal Of Public Health, 2016, 107(6),E492-E493.

Verweij, M.F.  “Ethics Of Immunization” In: Quah, S.R. And Cockerham, W.C. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia Of Public Health, 2nd Edition, Volume 3. Oxford: Academic Press, 2016. Pp. 7–10. http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803678-5.00144-2

Verweij Mf, Bovenkerk B. Ethical Promises And Pitfalls Of Onehealth. Public Health Ethics2016;9(1):1-4.

Rump, B., Kessler, C., Fanoy, E., Wassenberg, M., Krom, A., Verweij, M.,  van Steenbergen, J. “Exceptions to National MRSA Prevention Policy for a Medical Resident with Untreatable MRSA Colonization”. In: Barrett, D., Ortmann, L., Dawson, A., Saenz, C., Reis, A., Bolan, G. (Eds.) Public Health Ethics:  Cases Spanning the Globe.Springer, 2016, pp 191-194.

Kramer, K. Verweij, M.F. Zaaijer, H. An inventory of concerns behind blood safety policies in five Western countries. Transfusion2015;55;2816–2825 doi:10.1111/trf.13254

Houweling, H. Verweij, M.F. “What is the responsibility of national government with respect to vaccination? Response to Ronald de Groot” Vaccine33 (2015): 6513

Lambach P, Alvarez AM, Hirve S, Ortiz JR, Hombach J, Verweij M, Hendriks J, Palkonyay L, Pfleiderer M. “Considerations of strategies to provide influenza vaccine year round”. Vaccine 33 (47): 6493–6498.

Verweij, M.F. “How (not) to argue for the rule of rescue. Claims of Individuals vs Group Solidarity” In: I. Glenn Cohen, Norman Daniels, and Nir Eyal (eds.) Identified versus Statistical Victims. An Interdisciplinary Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015: pp. 137-149.

Dawson, A.J., Verweij, M.F. “Public Health: Beyond the Role of the State”Public Health Ethics2015; 8 (1): 1-3 doi:10.1093/phe/phv002

Bovenkerk, B. Verweij, M.F. Collective dimensions in animal ethics. In: Dumitras DE, Jitea IM and Aerts S (eds). Know your food. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Wageningen, 2015: 127-131. DOI:

Verweij, M.F. Meijboom, F.L.B. One Health as a collective responsibility. In: Dumitras DE, Jitea IM and Aerts S (eds). Know your food. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Wageningen, 2015: 144-149. DOI: DOI:

Verweij M.F. and Houweling H. “What is the responsibility of national government with respect to vaccination?” Vaccine. 2014; 32(52):7163-6. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.10.008.

Dawson A.J. and Verweij M.F. “Public Health and Legitimacy: Or Why There is Still a Place for Substantive Work in Ethics” Public Health Ethics(2014) 7 (2): 95-97. doi: 10.1093/phe/phu018

Verweij M.F. Curiosity and responsibility. Philosophy in relation to healthy food and living conditions. Inaugural lecture. Wageningen: Wageningen University, 2014.

Van den Hoven M.A. and Verweij M.F. Professional solidarity: the case of influenza immunisation. American Journal of Bioethics2013;13(9):51-52. doi:10.1080/15265161.2013.813606

Schmidt S. and Verweij M.F. “The PHM-Ethics methodology: interdisciplinary technology assessment of personal health monitoring.” In: Schmidt S, Rienhoff O (eds.) Interdisciplinary assessment of personal health monitoring. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2013: 13-22.

Palm E, Nordgren A, Verweij M.F., and Collste, G. “Ethically sound technology? Guidelines for interactive ethical assessment of personal health monitoring.” In: Schmidt S, Rienhoff O (eds.) Interdisciplinary assessment of personal health monitoring. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2013: 105-116.

Verweij M.F. and Dawson A.J. “Public Health Ethics” In LaFollette H (ed.)The International Encyclopedia of Ethics.Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2013; pp. 4220–4230.

“Vaccination Policies” In LaFollette, H (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2013; pp. 5279–5282.

Rump, B., Cornelis, C., Woonink, F., Verweij, M. “The need for ethical reflection on the use of molecular microbial characterisation in outbreak management” Eurosurveillance2013;18(4):9.

van der Burg S., Verweij M.F. “Maintaining Trust in Newborn Screening: Compliance and Informed Consent in the Netherlands” Hastings Center Report 2012; 42 (5):41-47. DOI: 10.1002/hast.66 *

Collste G., Verweij M.F. “Personal health monitoring and human interaction.”The American Journal of Bioethics2012 (9): 47-48.*

Olsthoorn E.T.M., Verweij M.F., van der Burg, S. “Dragerschap als nevenbevinding van de hielprikscreening: informeren of negeren?” Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht 2012;36(3): 218-225. *

Verweij M.F. and Van Den Hoven M.A. “Nudges in public health: paternalism is paramount” in The American Journal of Bioethics 2012;12(2):16-17.*

Dawson A.J. and Verweij M.F. “Solidarity: a Moral Concept in Need of Clarification” Public Health Ethics 2012;5(1): 1-5.

Verweij M.F. and Dawson A.J. “Children's health, public health” Public Health Ethics 2011;4(2): 107-8.

Dawson A.J. and Verweij M.F. “Could do better: Research data sharing and public health.” Public Health Ethics 2011;4(1): 1-3.

Verweij M.F. “Infectious Disease Control”. In: Angus Dawson (ed.). Public Health Ethics. Public Health Ethics Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011: 100-117.*

Houweling, H., Conyn-van Spaendonck, Paulussen, T, Verweij, M.F. Ruitenberg, E.J. “Preparing for the next public debate: Universal vaccination against hepatitis” Vaccine 2011;29 (48): 8960-4.*

Verweij M.F. “Moral Principles for Allocating Scarce Medical Resources in an Influenza Pandemic”. in Selgelid M.J., McLean A., Arinaminpathy N., Savulescu J. (eds.) Infectious Disease Ethics. Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion. Springer, 2011. pp. 9-20. (republication)

Verweij M.F. "Fraud, Excuse, and Responsibility". In: Dubbink, W., van Luijk, H., and L. van Liedekerke. European Business Ethics. Cases in Context. Springer, 2011: 285-290.*

Verweij M.F. "The pharmaceutical industry and the Aids crisis". In: Dubbink, W., van Luijk, H., and L. van Liedekerke. EuropeanBusiness Ethics Casebook Springer, 2011: 37-52.

Verweij M.F. "The pharmaceutical industry and the Aids crisis". In: Dubbink, W., van Luijk, H., and L. van Liedekerke. European Business Ethics. Cases in Context. Springer, 2011: 33-45.*

Verweij M. "The distinction between research and practice. A response to Tom Beauchamp" Journal of Internal Medicine2011;269 (4): 388-391. *

Hans Houweling, Christiaan FW Wittevrongel, Marcel Verweij, E Joost Ruitenberg, on behalf of the National Immunisation Programme Review Committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands. "Public vaccination programmes against hepatitis B in the Netherlands: assessing whether a targeted or a universal approach is appropriate" Vaccine2010; 28 (49): 7723-7730.* doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.09.068

Verweij M.F. and Dawson, A.J. "Smoke gets in your eyes: offence, harm, and the good life" Public Health Ethics2010; 3 (1): 89-90. doi:10.1093/phe/phq018

Houweling H. Verweij, M.F., Ruitenberg, E.J. "Criteria for inclusion of vaccinations in public programmes" Vaccine 2010;28(17):2924-2931*doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.02.021

Verweij M.F. and Dawson A.J. "Shutting up infected houses: Infectious Disease Control, Past and Present” (editorial). Public Health Ethics2010; 3 (1):1-3 doi:10.1093/phe/phq008

Verweij, M.F. "Health Inequities in Times of a Pandemic"Public Health Ethics2009;2(3):207-209. doi:10.1093/phe/php035

Verweij M.F. “Moral Principles for Allocating Scarce Medical Resources in an Influenza Pandemic”. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry2009;6(2):159-169.*

Verweij M.F. “Equipoise in public health research”. In: Angus Dawson (ed.). The Philosophy of Public Health. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009: 145-154.*

Verweij M.F, Dawson A.J. "Public Health Research Ethics: A Research Agenda " Public Health Ethics2009; 2 (1): 1-6; doi:10.1093/phe/php008

van Delden, J.J.M., Ashcroft, R., Dawson, A.J., Marckmann, G., Upshur, R. and Verweij, M.F. “De ethiek van verplichte vaccinatie tegen influenza van medewerkers in het verpleeghuis” Tijdschrift voor Verpleeghuisgeneeskunde2009;21(7):34-38.

Verweij, M.F.  “Ethics Of Immunization” In: Kris Heggenhougen And Stella Quah (Eds.), International Encyclopedia Of Public Health, Vol 2.San Diego: Academic Press; 2008: 482-486.

Verweij M.F., “Addressing ethical issues in pandemic influenza planning: Equitable access to therapeutic and prophylactic measures” In:  World Health Organization. Addressing ethical issues  in pandemic influenza planning. Discussion papers.Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008 (publication WHO/HSE/EPR/GIP/2008.2; WHO/IER/ETH/2008.1).

van Delden, J.J.M., Ashcroft, R., Dawson, A.J., Marckmann, G., Upshur, R. and Verweij, M.F. “The ethics of mandatory vaccination against influenza for health care workers”Vaccine 2008; 26: 5562–5566.*

Detmar S, Dijkstra N, Nijsingh N, Rijnders M, Verweij M, Hosli E. Parental Opinions about the Expansion of the Neonatal Screening Programme. Community Genetics. 2008;11(1):11-7. *

Verweij M.F., van Steenbergen, J. “Should each risk of infection be avoided?” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 2008;5 (1): 87-89. *

Dawson A.J & Verweij, M.F. “The Steward of the Millian State”. Public Health Ethics 2008;1(3):193-195.

Dawson A.J & Verweij, M.F. “Public Health Ethics: a manifesto”. Public Health Ethics 2008;1(1):1-2.

Detmar S., Hosli, E. Dijkstra, N., Nijsingh, N., Rijnders, M, Verweij, M. “Information and informed consent for neonatal screening: opinions and preferences of parents”. Birth 2007;34(3): 238-244.*

Verweij, M.F. “Moral principles and justification in applied ethics” In: Göran Collste (ed.) Introduction to applied ethics. Linköping: Centre for Applied Ethics, 2007: 55-71.

Verweij M.F. “Preventing disease”. In: Richard Ashcroft, Angus Dawson, Heather Draper, and John McMillan (eds.) Principles of Healthcare Ethics (2nd edition). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2007: 557-563. *

Dawson A.J., Verweij M.F. (eds.) Ethics, prevention, and public health. Oxford University Press, 2007.*

Dawson A.J., Verweij M.F. “Introduction: ethics, prevention, and public health”. In: Ethics, prevention, and public health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007: 1-12.*

Verweij M.F., Dawson, A.J. “ The meaning of ‘public’ in ‘public health’” In: Ethics, prevention, and public health. Oxford University Press, 2007: 13-29.*

Verweij M.F. “Tobacco discouragement: a non-paternalistic argument.” In:Ethics, prevention, and public health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007: 179-197.*

Verweij M.F. “Fraude, excuses en verantwoordelijkheid”. In: Wim Dubbink, Henk van Luijk (red.). Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006: 173-177.

Verweij M.F. “De farmaceutische industrie en de aidscrisis”. In: Wim Dubbink, Henk van Luijk (red.). Bedrijfsgevallen. Morele beslissingen van ondernemingen. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006: 276-287. 

Verweij M.F. “Obligatory precautions against infection”. In: Michael Selgelid, Margaret Battin, and Charles Smith (eds.) Ethics and Infectious Disease. Blackwell, 2006, 70-82 (reprint from Bioethics  2005; 19 (4): 323-335).

Verweij M.F., “Obligatory precautions against infection” Bioethics  2005;19(4):323-335.*

Verweij M.F., Van den Hoven MA. “Influenza vaccination in Dutch nursing homes: is tacit consent morally justified?” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy2005;8:89-95.*

De Visser M., van Ballegooijen M., Bloemers S.M. van Deventer S.J.H., Jansen J.B.M.J., Jespersen J., Kluft C., Meijer G.A., Stoker J., de Valk G.A., Verweij M.F. and F.A. Vlems. Report on the Dutch consensus development meeting for implementation and further development of population screening for colorectal cancer based on FOBT. Cellular Oncology2005;27: 17–29.

Beaujean D.J.M.A., Verweij M.F., van Steenbergen, J.E. “Pneumokokkenvaccinatie: argumenten om ouders te informeren over de mogelijkheden”  Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde2005; 148 (17): 909-11.*

Verweij M.F.. “Vaccinatie als altruïsme: moet ik mij vaccineren om anderen te beschermen?” In: J van Steenbergen, J van Everdingen. Waar zouden we zijn zonder infecties? Essays over infectieziekten. Alphen a/d Rijn: Van Zuiden/Bilthoven: RIVM, 2005: 117-128.

Verweij M.F., Dawson AJ. “Ethical principles for collective immunization programmes” Vaccine2004:22: 3122-6. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2004.01.062*

Verweij M.F. “Moraal: meer dan louter plicht”. In: Th. Boer (red.), Schepper naast God. Theologie, bioethiek en pluralisme. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2004; 173-185.

Lelie A. ,Verweij M.F. “Futility without a dichotomy: towards an ideal physician-patient relationship” Bioethics. 2003;17(1):21-31. *

Meijboom F.L.B. Verweij M.F. Brom F.W.A. “You eat what you are. Moral dimensions of diets tailored to one's genes” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics2003;16:557-568.*

Van den Hoven M.A. Verweij M.F. "Argumentaties bij griepvaccinatiebeleid. De visie van verpleeghuis­artsen". Tijdschrift voor Verpleeghuisgeneeskunde2003;27:19-21.*

Verweij M.F. van den Hoven M.A. “Influenza elleni vakcináció és tájékozott beleegyezés a holland idÅ‘sotthonokban.” Lege Artis Medicinae2003;13(1):63-4. (translation of BMJpaper).

Van den Hoven M.A. Verweij M.F. “Should we promote influenza vaccination of health care workers in nursing homes? Some arguments in favour of immunisation” Age & Ageing2003 32: 487-489. *

Bolt L.L.E. Verweij M.F. van Delden J.J.M Ethiek in praktijk. Tweede editie. Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum, 2003 (190 pp). Chapters: ‘Waarden’; ‘Het welzijn van mens en dier behartigen: weldoen en niet schaden’; ‘Eigenheid van mens en dier: autonomie en integriteit’; ‘Rechtvaardigheid’; ‘Het wegen van waarden en principes’; ‘Ieder z’n eigen moraal?’; ‘Wanneer ben ik verantwoordelijk?’; ‘Kan een collectief verantwoordelijk zijn?’

Verweij M.F., Hamel B.C.J.“Unexpected findings in identifiable stored blood samples after analysis without consent: moral arguments for and against disclosure in a concrete case” Genetic Counseling, 2002;13(2):115-121. *

Verweij M.F. van den Hoven M.A. “Influenza vaccination rates and informed consent in Dutch nursing homes: a survey among nursing home physicians” BMJ2002;324:328. *

Verweij M.F. van den Hoven M.A. Genomics: Knowledge triggering responsibility.Essay for NWO/Social Component of Genomics.

Verweij M.F. van den Hoven M.A. “Influenza vaccination rates and informed consent in Dutch nursing homes: a survey among nursing home physicians” StudentBMJ, 2002;10:112-113. Reprint ofBMJ2002; 324: 328.

Verweij M.F. “Verantwoordelijkheid”. In: F.W.A. Brom, Weten en eten, Den Haag: AWT,2002:49-52.

Verweij M.F. “Resuscitation policies” in H.A.M.J. ten Have, B. Gordijn (eds.) Bioethics in a European Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001: 487-494. *

Verweij M.F. “Individual and collective considerations in public health: influenza vaccination in nursing homes” Bioethics2001;15:536-546.*

Verweij M.F. van den Hoven M.A. De griepprik in het verpleeghuis. Ethische analyse en aanbevelingen. Utrecht: Centrum voor Bio-ethiek en Gezondheidsrecht, 2001 (40pp).

Verweij M.F. Preventive Medicine Between Obligation and Aspiration. International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine Vol. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001. *

Verweij M.F.  Brom F.W.A., Huibers, A.K. “Do’s and Dont’s for Ethics Committees: Practical Lessons Learned from the Netherlands”. HEC Forum 2000;12(4):344-357.*

Verweij M.F. “Die Debatte in Sachen Nichtreanimationsentscheidungen in den Niederlanden”. In: Bert Gordijn,  Henk ten Have (Hrsg.) Medizinethik und Kultur. Grenzen medizinischen Handelns in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstadt: Fromann-Holzboog, 2000: 141-158.

Verweij M.F. “Suzanne en Harmen willen een kind. Commentaar van een ethicus.” Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Ethiek, 2000;10:19-22.*

Brom F.W.A., Verweij M.F.  “Food Research and IRBs” IRB, A Review of Human Subjects Research 2000;22(6);15-16.*

Verweij M.F. “Ethische uitgangspunten voor het collectieve vaccinatieprogramma”. Infectieziekten Bulletin2000;11: 258-261.*

Verweij M.F. “Various strategies for resolving conflicts of principles”. In: B. Peterson (ed.), Applied ethics and reflective equilibrium. Linköping: Centre for Applied Ethics, 2000:93-108.

Verweij M.F., Kortmann F.A.M. “Abstineren: argumentatie voor staken of afzien van levensverlengend handelen”. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde1999; 143:145-8. *

Verweij M.F. “Medicalization as a moral problem for preventive medicine”. Bioethics,1999; 13:89-113. *

Verweij M.F.  Brom F.W.A., Huibers, A.K. Ethiek in commissie. NVBe Pre-advies 1999. Utrecht: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bio-ethiek, 1999 (65 pp).

van Wezel H.B.M., Hoitsma A.J., van der Vliet J.A., Kortmann F.A.M., Verweij M.F., Koene R.A.P. “Nierdonatie door een ‘hartdode donor’ (‘non-heartbeating donor’) in ethisch perspectief”. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1998;142:2865-2869.*

Verweij M.F.  Preventive Medicine between Obligation and Aspiration. Questiones Infinitae nr. 27. Utrecht: Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, 1998.

Verweij M.F. “Moral principles: Authoritative norms or flexible guidelines?” In: W. van der Burg, T. van Willigenburg (eds.), Reflective Equilibrium. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998: 29-40.*

Verweij M.F., Kortmann F.A.M. “Moral assessment of growth hormone therapy for children with idiopathic short stature”. Journal of Medical Ethics, 1997; 23:305-309. *

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van Thiel G.J.M.W. , Verweij M.F. “Hulp bij zelfdoding in psychiatrische ziekenhuizen. Een vraagstuk dat de arts-patiëntrelatie overstijgt.” Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Ethiek 5 1995: 2-7. *

Olde Rikkert M.G.M., Verweij M.F., Hoefnagels W.H.L.. “Informed consent en beslisvaardigheid van ouderen bij medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 1995; 26:152-162.*

Verweij M.F. “De ethicus als amateur-jurist? Over de rol van morele principes in een morele redenering”. In: W. van der Burg en P.C. Ippel (red.), De siamese tweeling. Recht en moraal in de biomedische praktijk.Assen: Van Gorcum, 1994: 71-87.

Verweij M.F. “Ethical computing: instruction in moral reasoning”. Idealistic Studies 23, 1993: 151-159.*

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Verweij M.F. “Moreel redeneren: representaties en expertsystemen”, In: G. Vandenakker e.a. (red.), Filosofiedag Utrecht 1989, Delft: Eburon, 1990: 229-233.